Procedure Title: Grant Proposal Process For Individual and Consortial Proposals
Procedure Number:DO26-35B
Originally Approved Date:6/17/97
Revised Date(s):
Related Policy/Procedure: 3354:2-26-35
Approved By:President
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  1. Concept Review Process
    1. The Project Director will obtain the necessary grant proposal review form from the Director for Instructional Services.
    2. The Project Director will complete the grant proposal review forms and meet with the appropriate dean/director for initial approval.
    3. The Project Director will then meet with the Director for Instructional Services and determine a timeline for proposal submission.
    4. The Director for Instructional Services will set up a meeting between the Project Director and the Deputy Treasurer's office. The Treasurer's office will route the approval forms to Human Resources, if necessary.
    5. When technology is involved, the Director for Instructional Services will send the approval forms to the Director of Instructional Technology.
    6. When the budget and personnel forms have been approved, the Project Director will submit the package to the appropriate dean/director for review.
    7. The Director for Instructional Services will send the grant proposal review forms along with the budget and personnel approval forms to the appropriate Vice President for review. If approved, the Vice President will request the President's approval.
  2. Proposal Submission Process
    1. After all signatures on the grant proposal review forms are secured, the Project Director will write the complete proposal and submit it to the Director for Instructional Services for editing.
    2. The Office for Instructional Services will route the final draft of the grant proposal to the appropriate Vice President.
    3. The Vice President will send the final draft to the President for review.
    4. If approved, the President will notify the Office for Instructional Services.
    5. The Office for Instructional Services will submit the final proposal to the funding agency and will maintain a copy on file.
  3. Administrative Procedure for Funded Grant Proposals
    1. The Project Director will contact the Director for Instructional Services upon notification of a successful grant proposal application.
    2. The Director for Instructional Services will meet with the Project Director, his/her supervisor, and the Deputy Treasurer's office to discuss Lakeland's grant procedures.
    3. The Project Director will review the grants procedures manual based on the funded proposal and contact the necessary administrative offices including, but not limited to, Business Services, Purchasing, Payroll, Human Resources, etc.
    4. Throughout the term of the funded project, the Project Director will submit activity checklists, contained in the procedures manual, to the Director for Instructional Services.
    5. Upon completion of the project, the Office for Instructional Services will maintain a copy of the grant file.
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