Procedure Title: Public Use of College Grounds for Expressive Activities
Procedure Number:BT10-09A
Originally Approved Date:09/11/2014
Revised Date(s):
Related Policy/Procedure: 3354:2-10-09
Approved By:President
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  1. Any person or group may use, without prior notification, any publicly accessible outdoor area of the Lakeland Community College campus (as defined in paragraph (A) of policy 3354:2-10-09) for expressive purposes at any time during the College's published hours of operation. The use of walkways or other common areas may not block the free passage of others or impede the regular operation of the College.
    1. "Any person or group" is defined to mean anyone other than an enrolled student of the College including employees, members of the community, and visitors.
      1. In addition to the general right of access to outdoor areas of campus described in paragraph (A) of policy 3354:2-10-09, any registered student or student organization may seek to reserve the use of specific outdoor areas by contacting the Office of Student Engagement and Leadership at (440)525-7271. Any request by a student or student organization to reserve such area or space shall be made at least one (1) business day prior to the event. A request will be granted unless it conflicts or interferes with a previously scheduled event or activity. Student reservations for a specific area or space under this procedure will have priority over any other persons seeking to use the area or space during the scheduled time period. 
      2. Any person or group whose use of an outdoor area is expected or reasonably likely to have more than one-hundred (100) people is considered to be a "large group event" and notification to the College's Police Department at (440)525-7241 must be provided at least two (2) business days before the day of the expressive activity, including information as to the specific location to be used for the event and the estimated number of participants, and the name and contact information of at least one person who can be contacted regarding logistics of the event, which shall include at least one person who will be personally present.
      3. Prior notice is necessary to ensure there is sufficient space for the large group event, that the large group event does not conflict with any other scheduled use of the outdoor space, and that sufficient College resources are available for crowd control and security. If such advance notice is not feasible because of circumstances that could not be reasonably anticipated, the person or group shall provide the college with as much advance notion as circumstances reasonably permit.
    2. "Publicly accessible outdoor areas" are those located on College property and do not include off-site locations where College business is transacted on leased property (e.g., Lakeland East in Madison, Ohio).
    3. "Expressive activities" may include speaking, non-verbal expression, distributing literature, displaying signage and circulating petitions. There is no limit to the number of times a person or group may access these areas. 
    4. Expressive activities may be subject to reasonable regulation by the College with regard to time, place and manner of the activities in order for the College to maintain an appropriate and safe educational and work environment.
      1. Any event or activity that disrupts the ability of the College to effectively and peacefully teach students, provide client services, or conduct any of its other business and support operations is prohibited. Examples include but are not limited to excessive noise, impeding vehicle or pedestrian traffic, and conduct otherwise unlawful. 
      2. The use of walkways or other common areas may not block the free passage of others or impede the regular operation of the College. 
      3. No activity may damage College property. Prohibited actions include but are not limited to driving stakes or poles into the ground, hammering nails into buildings, and attaching anything to sidewalks, paved areas, or any part of any building, structure or fixture.
      4. Distribution or solicitation by placing any material on vehicles in the parking areas is prohibited. Leaving trash, litter, materials or pollutants in any area is prohibited.
  2. The Lakeland Community College Police Department and/or local law enforcement will, without regard to the content of the expressive activity, enforce Federal, state and local laws including Board policies and College administrative procedures, including but not limited to:
    1. Board Policy 3354:2-10-11, Alcohol-Free Campus – possession, distribution, or use of alcohol is prohibited throughout college property unless expressly authorized by the appropriate administrative representative and requires the presence of a police officer.
    2. Board Policy 3354:2-39-01, Solicitation and Sales – Solicitation and sales are not expressive activities and must be sponsored by a registered student or College organization or College department with the approval of their Vice President
    3. Board Policy 3354:2-61-10, Persona Non Grata Status for Nonstudents and College administrative procedure SS61-10, Persona Non Grata Status for Nonstudents
    4. Board Policy 3354:2-20-02, Equal Employment and Title IX Compliance and College administrative procedure HR20-02C
    5. Firearms, explosives, narcotics of all types, dangerous ordinances, fireworks, and firecrackers are prohibited at all events and activities on the College campus.
  3. Persons in violation of Section B may be subject to an order to leave College property. Employees in violation of this procedure may be subject to discipline up to, and including termination.

Any person, group or recognized student organization who believes unlawful, unreasonable or arbitrary limitations have been imposed on any of their speech or other expressive activities under this procedure may file a complaint with the Chief of Staff and Senior Vice President for Institutional Development and Effectiveness

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