Procedure Title: Electronic Communication Procedure
Procedure Number:BT11-02A
Originally Approved Date:10/22/96
Revised Date(s):
Related Policy/Procedure: 3354:2-11-02 3354:2-11-03
Approved By:President
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(AI) Lakeland Community College participates in a range of computing and telecommunication networks and many members of the college community, including faculty, staff, administrators and students use electronic communications in their day-to-day activities. For purposes of this procedure, electronic communications includes, but is not limited to, electronic mail (e-mail), Internet services, voicemail, facsimile messages, and audio and video conferencing that are sent or received by faculty, staff, students and other authorized users of the college resources.

  1. Electronic Communication Uses
    1. Users
      1. Access to computer and telecommunication systems and networks, owned or operated by Lakeland Community College, impose certain responsibilities and obligations on the user and is granted subject to college policies and local, state and federal laws. Appropriate use must always adhere to ethical standards, reflect academic honesty and show restraint in the consumption of shared resources.
      2. An authorized user is a member of the college community who has been granted and assigned an account on a system and/or network owned and operated by the college (user accounts may also called user ID, computer account, computer account name, login, login name, etc.).
      3. Users must acknowledge, in writing, their understanding of the procedures and guidelines as a condition for use of the college's electronic communication resources. Failure to adhere to the procedure and its guidelines herein may result in suspension of the offender's privilege of access by the college.
    2. Permissible Uses of Electronic Communications
      1. Purpose of Use - the use of any college resources for electronic communications should be related to college business including academic pursuits.
      2. Authorized Persons - only faculty, staff, students and other authorized persons conducting college business may use the electronic communication systems.
    3. Prohibited Uses
      1. Personal, Commercial Purposes - college resources for electronic communication shall not be used for personal or commercial purposes. Incidental and occasional personal use of electronic mail and voice mail may occur when such does not generate a direct cost for thecCollege.
      2. Other Prohibited Use - other prohibited electronic communications include, but are not limited to:
        1. use of electronic communication systems to send copies of documents in violation of copyright laws;
        2. use of electronic communications systems to send messages, access to which is restricted by laws or regulations;
        3. attempting unauthorized access to data or attempting to breach any security measures on any electronic communication system or attempting to intercept any electronic communication transmission without proper authorization;
        4. use of electronic communication systems to intimidate others or to interfere with the ability of others to conduct college business;
        5. capture and "opening" of undelivered electronic communication except as required in order for authorized employees to diagnose and correct delivery problems.
    4. Guidelines
      ​In making appropriate use of resources, authorized users must:
      1. use resources only for the purpose(s) stated or implied at the time the user account was obtained;
      2. protect personal user accounts from unauthorized use. Users are responsible for all activities conducted through their user ID;
      3. access only files and data that are their property, that are publicly available or to which they have been given authorized access;
      4. use only legal versions of copyrighted software in compliance with vendor license requirements;
      5. be considerate in using shared resources, refrain from monopolizing systems and networks with excessive data or wasting computer time, connect time, disk space, printer paper, monopolizing manuals or other resources.
    5. Access
      1. Individuals desiring access to the Lakeland network or other electronic communication shall be granted access based on the determination of need and requirements set forth by the administration.
      2. Individuals needing to access the electronic communication of others, to use information gained from such access and/or to disclose information from such access must obtain approval from the division Vice President or his/her designee.
      3. Accounts (ID) and initial passwords will be issued to approved requests and are issued to individuals intended for the sole use of that individual. Group accounts will be issued on an exception basis but must adhere to all the policies attached to individual users. The person whose name an account is issued to is responsible at all times for its proper use. Users should change their passwords quarterly.
  2. Lakeland LAN
    1. The use of the LAN and access to the Internet is a privilege which may be revoked by the administrators of the system at any time for abusive conduct. Such conduct would include, but not be limited to, the placing of unlawful information on the system and the use of obscene, abusive or otherwise objectionable language in either public or, upon registration of a complaint, private messages. The college administration will be responsible to determine what constitutes obscene, abusive or objectionable language.
    2. Examples of conduct which may result in revocation of right of use includes, but is not limited to, the following:
      Obscene language;
      Overt or graphical sexual explicitness;
      One user abusing another;
      Personal ads;
      Chain letters;
      Disregarding requests from other users to stop sending harassing e-mail.
    3. The Lakeland Community College administration reserves the right to review any material stored in files and may edit or remove any material which the administration, in its sole discretion, believes may be unlawful, obscene, abusive or otherwise objectionable.
    4. All information services and features contained on the Lakeland Network are intended for the education and business use of faculty, students, staff and other authorized persons and any commercial or unauthorized use of those materials in any form is expressly forbidden.
    5. All information contained on the Lakeland Network is placed there for general informational, educational or college business purposes and is, in no way, intended to refer or be applicable to any specific person, case or situation.
    6. All conferences and information on the Lakeland Network may be monitored relative to appropriate content and tone. Material deemed inappropriate or offensive will be deleted and returned to the author for revision.
  3. Electronic Mail (E-Mail)
    1. Acceptable use of e-mail is based on common sense, common decency and civility applied to the electronic communication environment.
    2. Unacceptable uses include, but are not limited to, the following:
      1. using e-mail for any purpose which violates federal and state laws;
      2. using e-mail for commercial purposes;
      3. misrepresenting your identity or affiliation in e-mail communications;
      4. sending patently harassing, intimidating, abusive or offensive material to or about others;
      5. intercepting, disrupting or altering electronic communications packets;
      6. using someone else's identity and password;
      7. causing congestion on the network by such things as the propagation of "chain letters," "broadcasting" inappropriate messages to lists or individuals or excessive use of the shared data store of the e-mail post office.
    3. Communications in e-mail medium are protected by the same laws and policies and are subject to the same limitations as communications in other media. However, users should exercise caution when committing confidential information to electronic media because confidentiality of such material cannot be guaranteed. While internal campus e-mail facility may be secured, (that is, no one can read your mail unless they are able to log into your account) there are circumstances that may jeopardize that security. E-mail messages can be saved indefinitely on the receiving computer. Copies can easily be made and forwarded to others, either electronically or on paper. Messages sent to non-existing or incorrect user names are delivered to a person designated as postmaster. Routine maintenance or system administration of a computer may result in the contents of files and communications being seen (network and system administrators will treat the content of electronic files as private and confidential).
    4. Internet e-mail facilities are not secured.
Staging Enabled