Due to severe weather, all classes, activities, clinicals, and events are cancelled for 1/21/2025. This includes in-person, online/virtual and hybrid classes, clinicals, events, meetings and college offices.

Faculty Challenge Grants and Mastin Fund Awards

The Faculty Challenge Grant Program was established to facilitate innovative and creative activities for improvement of instruction, learning, and professional development that contribute to the needs of the institution. The Lakeland Foundation's grants may provide resources for the development, provision of and access to innovative programs that may fall outside the scope of the colleges operating budget. The Lakeland Foundation's Projects Review Committee will solicit and award grants twice annually (in fall and spring) with input from Lakeland's Excellence in Teaching & Professional Development Committee.

The Projects Review Committee also makes awards each spring from the Thomas W. Mastin Fund for projects related to the sciences, math, and environmental studies for children and youth.

Lakeland faculty interested in submitting a proposal should visit the Faculty Challenge Grant page in the myLakeland Portal (log-in required). For more information, please contact the Lakeland Foundation.

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