Policy Title: Student Complaint Policy
Policy Number: 3354:2-61-11
Originally Approved Date:6/6/2019
Revised Date(s):
Related Policy/Procedure: SS61-02B SS71-01 IS47-03 SS64-01 IS46-16 SS63-01 HR20-74A IS59-03
Approved By:Board of Trustees
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  1. As a critical component of our commitment to providing high quality services and learning opportunities honed through assessment for continuous improvement, Lakeland Community College encourages and values feedback from our students regarding our programs, services, and processes. Therefore, any student who is dissatisfied with any aspect of their experience at the College may bring forward a complaint.  The College has adopted a variety of policies and procedures for registering appeals and complaints, many in response to specific issues.  The College provides access to these policies and procedures via several public domains including the College's website and student portal, and handbooks for the general and specific student populations.  Questions about the availability and/or applicability of a policy or procedure to address a complaint may be directed to the Senior Vice President for Institutional Development and Effectiveness.

  2. The Senior Vice President for Institutional Development and Effectiveness, or their designee, shall annually request from departments responsible for overseeing appeal and complaint processes a summary of complaints filed in accordance with existing policies and procedures.  The Senior Vice President for Institutional Development and Effectiveness will prepare an analysis, document trends, and confer with the senior leadership of the College on opportunities for continuous quality improvement.    Records of the complaint evaluation process shall be kept by the Senior Vice President for Institutional Development and Effectiveness, or their designee.

  3. Students have the right to consult the Ohio Department of Higher Education or the Higher Learning Commission at the following contact information, if they feel that their complaint was not addressed following the College's complaint policy and related procedure:
    • Ohio Department of Higher Education via https://www.ohiohighered.org/students/complaints
    • Higher Learning Commission via  https://www.hlcommission.org/Student-Resources/complaints.html
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