Procedure Title: Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Procedures
Procedure Number:HR20-74A
Originally Approved Date:11/30/2016
Revised Date(s):12/13/2023
Related Policy/Procedure: 3354:2-20-02 3354:2-20-74 SS61-01 3354:2-61-11 SS61-10
Approved By:President
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  1. Scope
    1. This procedure applies to alleged sexual harassment or sexual misconduct that takes place on College property or in connection with any activity sponsored, conducted, or authorized by the college or by a recognized student organization, regardless of the location of the activity.
    2. This procedure may also apply to alleged sexual harassment or sexual misconduct that occurs off-campus when the Title IX Coordinator determines that the alleged off-campus conduct could reasonably create a hostile environment or a continuing adverse effect on campus, or where the sexual harassment or sexual misconduct undermines the security of the College community or the integrity of the educational process.
    3. The Title IX Coordinator for Lakeland Community College is the Chief Human Resources Officer:
      Lisa Durst
      7700 Clocktower Drive, Suite C-2103
      (440) 525-7112
  2. Notice of Non-Discrimination
    1. "No individual in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance." -Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and its implementing regulation, 34 C.F.R. Part 106 (Title IX)
    2. Lakeland Community College reaffirms its commitment that, in its educational and employment opportunities, there shall be no harassment or discrimination against any person because of sex, race, color, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, ancestry, veteran or Vietnam-era veteran status, age, or familial status. All students, faculty, staff and visitors to the College are protected under and subject to the guidelines of this Procedure.
    3. The College will conduct its programs, services and activities in accordance with applicable federal laws, including Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, state and local laws, and College policies.
    4. This procedure enforces the prohibition of all forms of sexual or gender-based harassment and sexual misconduct, including sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.
    5. This procedure will address retaliation against an individual because of their good faith participation in the reporting, investigation, or adjudication of sexual misconduct violations.
    6. All students, faculty, and staff have a responsibility to be aware of this procedure's contents, to abide by its terms, and assist in its enforcement. All supervisory personnel will ensure that those under their supervision are aware of the procedure, receive a copy of it, and will, from time to time, reinforce the College's commitment to the procedure. From time to time, one or more College offices will disseminate materials throughout the College concerning the effective prevention of sexual harassment and sexual misconduct.
    7. The College reserves the right to investigate circumstances that may involve sexual harassment or sexual misconduct in situations where no complaint, formal or informal, is filed.
    8. The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for the administration of this procedure. One or more Deputy Title IX Coordinators may be designated to carry out any duties of the Title IX Coordinator.
    9. The President and every vice president, department chair, director, manager, administrator, coach, faculty member, coordinator, and supervisor is responsible for assuring compliance with this Procedure.
    10. In appropriate circumstances, sanctions in accordance with this Procedure may be implemented pursuant to applicable College policies, procedures and employment agreements.
  3. Prohibited Conduct
    1. The College prohibits sexual harassment and sexual misconduct
    2. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination which violates state and federal laws respecting both employees and students, and is defined below.
    3. Sexual misconduct is a broad term that includes but is not limited to sexual assault, sexual exploitation, stalking, dating violence, and domestic violence, which are defined below.
    4. The College prohibits gender-based harassment, that includes but is not limited to acts of verbal, nonverbal, or physical aggression, intimidation, or hostility based on sex or sex-stereotyping, even if those acts do not involve conduct of a sexual nature.
    5. The College also prohibits aiding or facilitating the commission of a violation of this Procedure and retaliation for making a complaint under this Procedure.
  4. Definitions
    1. "Consent" in connection with sexual conduct is not specifically defined under Ohio law. However, under Ohio law the following circumstances are not consent:
      1. if the offender substantially impairs the victim's judgment or control by administering any drug, intoxicant or controlled substance to the other individual surreptitiously or by force, threat of force or deception;
        • if the victim's ability to apprise the nature of or control his/her own conduct is substantially impaired;
        • if the victim is coerced;
        • if the offender uses force or threat of force;
        • if the victim is unaware that the act is being committed (e.g. unconscious); or
        • if the victim's ability to consent is substantially impaired because of a mental or physical condition or because of advanced age.
        This is a non-exhaustive list and does not constitute legal advice.
    2. "Dating violence" means violence committed by an individual who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim, and where the existence of such a relationship will be determined, based upon a consideration of the following factors: the length of the relationship, the type of relationship, and the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship.
    3. "Domestic violence" means knowingly or recklessly causing or attempting to cause physical harm to a family or household member. Domestic violence includes, by threat of force, knowingly causing a family or household member to believe that the actor will cause imminent physical harm to the family or household member. A family or household member is any of the following who is residing or has resided with the accused:
      1. A spouse, an individual living as a spouse, or a former spouse of the offender;
      2. A parent, a foster parent, or a child of the offender, or another individual related by consanguinity or affinity to the offender;
      3. A parent or a child of a spouse, an individual living as a spouse, or former spouse of the offender, or another individual related by consanguinity or affinity to a spouse, individual living as a spouse, or former spouse of the offender. [Note this definition is derived from Ohio Rev. Code § 2919.25 (domestic violence)]; and
      4. The natural parent of any child of whom the offender is the other natural parent or is the putative other natural parent.
      "Person living as a spouse" means a person who is living or has lived with the offender in a common law marital relationship, who otherwise is cohabiting with the offender, or who otherwise has cohabited with the offender within five years prior to the date of the alleged commission of the act in question.
    4. "Hostile environment" includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. A hostile environment with respect to sexual harassment occurs when such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work or academic performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or learning environment. In addition, a hostile environment occurs when unwelcome sexually harassing conduct is so severe, persistent or pervasive that it affects an individual's ability to participate in or benefit from a College program or activity, or creates an intimidating, threatening or abusive environment.
    5. "Incapacitated/incapacitation" is a mental state in which an individual cannot make rational decisions because they lack the capacity to give knowing consent. Such incapacitation may be caused by alcohol or other drug use, sleep or unconsciousness, or physical or mental impairment.
    6. "Intimidation" is an implied or actual threat to commit a sex act against another individual, or behavior used to coerce participation in a sex act.
    7. "Parties" includes both the individual lodging a complaint of harassment ("complainant"), and the individual about whom the complaint is made  ("respondent").
    8. "Relationship violence" is any physical, sexual and/or psychological harm against an individual by a current or former domestic partner. Domestic partners may include, but are not limited to, individuals who are cohabitating, married, separated or divorced, and may be of the same or opposite sex.
    9. "Retaliation" is any overt or covert act of reprisal, interference, restraint, penalty, discrimination, intimidation, or harassment, against any individual or group for exercising rights under this Procedure.
    10. "Sexual exploitation" is taking non-consensual, unjust or abusive sexual advantage of another. Examples include, but are not limited to:
      1. Prostituting another student;
      2. Non-consensual video or audio-taping of sexual activity;
      3. Going beyond the boundaries of consent (such as knowingly allowing another to surreptitiously watch, otherwise, consensual sexual activity);
      4. Engaging in non-consensual voyeurism; and
      5. Knowingly transmitting or exposing another individual to a sexually transmitted infection ("STI") without the knowledge of the individual.
    11. "Sexual harassment" is a form of sex discrimination which violates state and federal laws respecting both employees and students. The definitions used in this Procedure will be interpreted consistent with such laws. Sexual harassment consists of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, sexually motivated physical conduct, or other verbal or physical conduct or communication of a sexual nature when:
      1. Submission to that conduct or communication is made a term or condition, either explicitly or implicitly, of obtaining or retaining employment, of obtaining an education, or of obtaining educational benefits or opportunities; or
      2. Submission to or rejection of that conduct or communication by an individual is used as a factor in decisions affecting that individual's employment, education, educational benefits or opportunities; or
      3. Such conduct or communication has the purpose or effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering with an individual's employment, education, educational benefits or opportunities, or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive employment or educational environment. Any sexual harassment as defined herein is not limited to conduct or communication by someone in authority, but also includes any sexual harassment as defined herein when perpetrated on any student or employee by any other student, employee, or third party.
      4. Sexual harassment is sexual conduct that is "unwelcome." It may include, but is not limited to:
        1. Uninvited verbal harassment or abuse such as sexual name calling, jokes, spreading sexual rumors, leers, or overly personal conversations of a sexual nature;
        2. Subtle pressure for sexual activity;
        3. Inappropriate patting, pinching or fondling, pulling at clothes, or intentional brushing against a student's or an employee's body;
        4. Demanding sexual favors accompanied by implied or overt threats concerning an individual's employment or educational status;
        5. Demanding sexual favors accompanied by implied or overt promises of preferential treatment with regard to an individual's employment or educational status;
        6. Any sexually motivated unwelcome touching, cornering, or blocking an individual's movement;
        7. Conditioning a student's grade or academic progress on submission to sexual activity;
        8. Hanging or displaying inappropriate and sexually explicit pictures, posters, or drawings in the workplace or learning environment;
        9. A pattern of conduct intended to discomfort or humiliate, or both, a reasonable individual at whom the conduct was directed that includes one or more of the following: unnecessary touching or hugging, remarks of a sexual nature about an individual's clothing or body, or remarks about sexual activity or speculations about previous sexual experience.
        10. Any act of sexual violence as defined in this Procedure.
        11. Any act of sexual exploitation as defined in this Procedure.
    12. "Sexual violence" is any non-consensual sexual act, including, but not limited to, rape, sexual assault, sexual battery and sexual coercion. Sexual violence also includes relationship violence. Examples of sexual violence include, but are not limited to:
      1. Non-consensual sexual contact, touching with any body part or object, another individual's intimate parts (e.g., genitalia, groin, breast, buttocks), whether clothed or unclothed.
      2. Non-consensual sexual intercourse, oral, anal and/or vaginal penetration, to any degree and with any body part or object.
      3. Compelling an individual to touch his or her own intimate body-parts or the intimate body-parts of another, without consent.
    13. "Stalking" is engaging in a course of conduct directed at another individual that would cause a reasonable individual to fear for his or her safety or the safety of others or suffer substantial emotional distress. A course of conduct consists of at least two acts.
  5. Reporting guidelines
    The College strongly encourages all individuals to seek assistance from a medical provider and/or law enforcement officer immediately after an incident of sexual violence or relationship violence, whether or not the individual plans to pursue criminal action. This is the best option to ensure preservation of evidence and to begin a timely response by law enforcement and/or the College.
    1. Duty to report
      1. All persons affiliated with the College are considered "responsible employees" pursuant to Title IX. As a non-exhaustive list, any College executive or administrative officer, dean, department chair, director, manager, coordinator, supervisor, faculty member, part-time faculty member; coach; or human resources professional employee who becomes aware of information that would lead a reasonable person to believe that sexual discrimination and/or sexual harassment has occurred must notify the Title IX Coordinator as soon as possible, but in any event, within, five (5) working days after becoming aware of the information. The only College employees not required to report Title IX violations are those "confidential employees" who possess a license that provides for privileged or confidential communications.
      2. In addition to the duty to report sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator as identified above, in some circumstances there is a duty to report allegations of criminal conduct to law enforcement authorities. Section 2921.22 of the Ohio Revised Code requires any individual who knows that a felony has been or is being committed, to report it to law enforcement authorities. It is a criminal offense to knowingly fail to make the report. Anyone who suspects or has knowledge of criminal activity occurring on College property should call the Lakeland Community College Police Department at (440) 525-7241. Incidents that occur off campus should be reported to the appropriate local law enforcement.
      3. All College community members, even those who are not obligated by this Procedure, are strongly encouraged to report information regarding any incident of sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator.
    2. Filing a formal report of violation of this Procedure
      1. The College will promptly and equitably investigate all allegations of sexual harassment and sexual violence in as confidential manner as possible.
      2. The Title IX Coordinator serves as the recipient of any formal complaint or report of harassment. Other offices of the College may handle certain aspects of the College response, such as the Student Development Office, the Department of Human Resources, the Division of Academic and Student Affairs, and Lakeland Community College Police.
      3. The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for overseeing the investigation of complaints under this Procedure, and monitoring/coordinating the response of other campus offices that may respond to complaints of sex-based offenses under this Procedure, including complaints of retaliation for filing a complaint on the basis of this Procedure.
    3. Self-reporting of sexual offenses
      1. An individual who is a victim or survivor of sexual harassment or sexual violence is encouraged to contact Lakeland Community College Police or the law enforcement agency with jurisdiction in the location of the incident. Reporting an assault to Lakeland police may not require criminal prosecution; however, it does allow the College to assist and provide additional resources and support. Lakeland Community College Police can be contacted at (440) 525-7241.
    4. Confidential assistance for victims or complainants
      1. The College will preserve student and employee's confidentiality to the extent possible and allowed by law. The degree to which confidentiality can be protected, however, depends upon whether or not the individual to whom the sex-based offense is reported is required by law to report this information to law enforcement. Confidential reporters may include licensed counselors, licensed social workers and other health care providers.
      2. Students will be clearly informed by any College employee if a confidential medical/health care professional relationship is being established and will have the choice of whether to enter into such a relationship.
      3. No College employee has the authority to establish a confidential medical/health care professional relationship with any other College employee or with any person other than a student who has been specifically informed such a relationship is being established.
    5. Privacy/Confidentiality
      1. Information received in connection with the filing, investigation, and resolution of allegations will be treated as confidential except to the extent it is necessary to disclose information in the course of the investigation, for the purposes of addressing conduct or practices that may violate the policy, or when required to do so by law. All persons involved in the process should observe the same standard of discretion and respect for the privacy of persons involved in the process.
      2. If the complaint contains sufficiently detailed information about conduct that may constitute a crime, the matter will be reported to the Lakeland Community Police Department.
      3. Pursuant to the Clery Act and the 2013 Amendments to the Violence Against Women Act, the Title IX Coordinator will share anonymous statistical information regarding reported criminal incidents with the Lakeland Community College Police Department for inclusion in the Daily Crime Log. The College may also share aggregate and non-personally identifiable data about reports, outcomes, and sanctions as permitted or required by law.
      4. All College proceedings are conducted in accordance with the requirements of Title IX, the Clery Act, the Violence Against Women Act, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), state and local law, and College policy. No information, including the identity of the parties, will be released from such proceedings except as required or permitted by law or College policy.
    6. Cooperation with investigation
      1. An individual with a duty to report will actively provide information in the time and manner deemed necessary and appropriate by the College to conduct the investigation. Failure to cooperate with the investigation process in a timely manner may compromise the College's ability to conduct an investigation and address allegations fully and may result in disciplinary or other action.
    7. Anonymous complaints
      1. Anonymous complaints or reports in which the complainant does not wish to disclose his or her name to the respondent will be accepted; however, the College's ability to obtain additional information may be compromised and the ability to investigate or resolve anonymous complaints may be limited. Currently, an anonymous report can be made by submitting a written document through regular mail or campus mail to the Title IX Coordinator, Lakeland Community College, Room C-2103, 7700 Clocktower Drive, Kirtland, Ohio 44094, or by email to ldurst2@lakelandcc.edu.
      2. The College reserves the right to determine whether or not it can honor the complainant's request for anonymity while providing a safe and nondiscriminatory environment for all community members, including the complainant. The Title IX Coordinator will receive the anonymous report and will determine if the request for anonymity can be honored. The Title IX Coordinator will take any appropriate steps, including individual or community remedies as appropriate. Such steps will be taken in consultation with the chief of the Lakeland Community College Police Department as appropriate, and in compliance with all Clery Act and Campus Save Act obligations.
    8. Filing a false complaint
      1. It is a violation of this policy for anyone knowingly to make false accusations of harassment or misconduct. Doing so may result in disciplinary action. Failure to prove a claim of sexual harassment or misconduct is not equivalent to a false accusation. If an investigation of a complaint demonstrates that the complaint was knowingly filed with false or malicious information, the Title IX Coordinator will refer the matter to the appropriate College office for further action.
    9. Retaliation and Discipline
      1. The College will not retaliate against any student or employee for reporting or participating in the investigation of a complaint of harassment.
      2. Any student or employee who is determined to have engaged in sexual harassment or sexual misconduct in violation of this policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including suspension or expulsion (in the case of a student) or termination (in the case of an employee) in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct or applicable employee policies or handbooks.
    10. Bystander intervention
      1. The College expects all College community members to take reasonable and prudent actions to prevent or stop an act of sexual misconduct. Taking action may include direct intervention, calling law enforcement, or seeking assistance from an individual in authority. College community members who choose to reasonably intervene will be protected from retaliation.
  6. Interim Measures
    1. Upon receipt of a report or complaint of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct, the College will provide interim support and reasonable protective measures to the complainant to prevent further acts of misconduct, and to provide a safe educational and/or work environment. The College will determine the necessity and scope of any interim measures. Even when a complainant does not specifically request that protective action be taken, the College may choose to impose interim measures at its discretion to ensure the safety of any individual, the broader College community, or the integrity of the review process.
    2. A student, faculty member, or employee seeking such assistance or interim measures should contact the Title IX Coordinator, who will coordinate such requests.
    3. All individuals are encouraged to report concerns about failure of another individual to abide by any restrictions imposed by an interim measure. The College will take immediate and responsive action to enforce measures previously ordered or implemented by the College.
    4. The College may impose any remedy that can be tailored to the involved parties, even if not specifically listed here. The range of interim measures may include:
      1. No Contact Order: A complainant or respondent may request, or the College may impose, communication and contact restrictions to prevent further potentially harmful interaction. These communication and contact restrictions generally preclude any individual, telephone, electronic or third party communications. The College may also limit an individual or organization's access to certain College facilities or activities as part of the no contact order.
      2. Academic, Employment Modifications: A complainant or respondent may request an academic or employment accommodation after a report of sexual misconduct. An individual who requests assistance in changing their academic or employment situation after an incident of sexual misconduct will receive appropriate and reasonably available accommodations. These may include:
        1. Academic accommodations, including a change in class schedule, taking an incomplete, dropping a course without penalty, attending a class via electronic, remote, or other alternative means, providing an academic tutor, or extending deadlines for assignments;
        2. Change in work assignment or schedule;
        3. Providing an escort to ensure safe movement between classes and activities.
      3. Emotional Support: The College will assist in providing referral to off-campus agencies or providers, and the list of off-campus resources can be found at www.lakelandcc.edu. Such support is available to any member of the College community.
      4. Interim Separation/Administrative Leave: When a report of sexual harassment misconduct indicates that there may be an ongoing risk of harm to the safety or wellbeing of an individual or members of the campus community, the College may place an individual or organization on interim suspension or impose leave for an employee. Pending resolution of the complaint, the individual or organization may be denied access to campus. When interim suspension or leave is imposed, the College will make reasonable efforts to complete the investigation and resolution within an expedited time frame.
  7. Complaint, Investigation, and Hearing Procedures
    1. An individual who believes they have experienced or witnessed harassment is encouraged to bring forward a complaint under the procedures for investigating complaints of harassment to the Title IX Coordinator.
    2. An individual who believes they have experienced sexual harassment or assault is encouraged to seek medical treatment in order to preserve evidence and receive treatment for injuries, preventative treatment for sexually transmitted diseases, and other health services.
    3. The College will endeavor to resolve all Title IX complaints or reports promptly. The investigation of all complaints or reports will generally be completed within 60 days. Extenuating circumstances, including the complexity and severity of a complaint, may exist that require the complaint process to extend beyond 60 calendar days. In general, a complainant and respondent can expect to receive periodic updates about the status of the review or investigation. The investigation must include a meeting with the complainant, and discussions with any witnesses to the incident. The investigator will also meet with the respondent to discuss the incident, and provide them with an opportunity to respond. If the investigation exceeds this 60-day time frame, the College will notify all parties of the need for additional time and best efforts will be made to complete the process in a timely manner.
    4. Anyone accused of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct is entitled to due process through a live hearing, in accordance with the College's Student Code of Conduct or other applicable policies or handbooks. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any student who is also a student worker will be subject to the procedures applicable to students, and not to any procedures applicable to College employees.
    5. At the live hearing, the hearing panel must permit each party's advisor to ask the other party and any witnesses all relevant questions and follow-up questions, including those challenging credibility. Such cross-examination at the live hearing must be conducted directly, orally, and in real time by the party's advisor of choice and never by a party personally, notwithstanding the student conduct code provision that restricts the extent to which advisors may participate in the proceedings.
    6.  At the request of either party, the hearing panel must provide for the live hearing to occur with the parties located in separate rooms with technology enabling the decision-maker(s) and parties to simultaneously see and hear the party or the witness answering questions.
    7. Only relevant cross-examination and other questions may be asked of a party or witness. 
    8. Before a complainant, respondent, or witness answers a cross-examination or other question, the hearing panel must first determine whether the question is relevant and explain any decision to exclude a question as not relevant.
    9.  If a party does not have an advisor present at the live hearing, the college must provide without fee or charge to that party, an advisor of the recipient's choice, who may be, but is not required to be, an attorney, to conduct cross-examination on behalf of that party.
    10. Questions and evidence about the complainant's sexual predisposition or prior sexual behavior are not relevant, unless such questions and evidence about the complainant's prior sexual behavior are offered to prove that someone other than the respondent committed the conduct alleged by the complainant, or if the questions and evidence concern specific incidents of the complainant's prior sexual behavior with respect to the respondent and are offered to prove consent.
    11. If a party or witness does not submit to cross-examination at the live hearing, the hearing panel must not rely on any statement of that party or witness in reaching a determination regarding responsibility; provided, however, that the hearing panel cannot draw an inference about the determination regarding responsibility based solely on a party's or witness's absence from the live hearing or refusal to answer cross-examination or other questions.
    12. Live hearings pursuant to this procedure may be conducted with all parties physically present in the same geographic location or, at the recipient's discretion, any or all parties, witnesses, and other participants may appear at the live hearing virtually, with technology enabling participants simultaneously to see and hear each other.
    13. The college shall create an audio or audiovisual recording, or transcript, of any live hearing and make it available to the parties for inspection and review.
    14. To determine whether a particular act or course of conduct constitutes sexual harassment, the alleged behavior will be evaluated by the hearing panel by considering the totality of the particular circumstances, including the nature, frequency, intensity, location, context and duration of the questioned behavior. Although repeated incidents generally create a stronger claim of harassment, a serious incident, even if isolated, may be sufficient.
    15. When sexual harassment or sexual misconduct is determined by the hearing panel to have occurred, steps will be taken to ensure that the behavior is stopped promptly, the effects, if any, are remedied, and that reoccurrence is prevented, whenever possible. Appropriate corrective action for the respondent includes but is not limited to a requirement that they obtain counseling or complete other restorative activities, or written reprimand, suspension, or other disciplinary action up to and including termination or expulsion. Corrective action against the respondent will be carried out in accordance with applicable College policies, handbooks, code of conduct, or contract. A complainant will be informed of the corrective action and/or discipline taken against the respondent. The College's disciplinary response may be limited if the respondent is not a student or employee or otherwise subject to the College's jurisdiction or control.
  8. Prevention, Education, and Training
    1. The College recognizes that the most effective way to achieve a campus free of sexual harassment, discrimination and violence, including sexual violence, stalking, and relationship violence, is to equip all College community members with the skills to recognize and prevent sexual harassment and sexual misconduct. The College wants to ensure that all members of the College community understand and participate in shared standards of equity, inclusion, civility, and respect.
      1. In order to achieve these goals, the College offers regular programs of prevention and ongoing education and awareness for all students and employees.
        1. Employees who play a key role in implementing the Procedure, including those faculty and staff who are likely to receive reports of sexual harassment, discrimination, and violence, including sexual violence, stalking, and domestic violence, receive more in-depth annual training to ensure a timely, sensitive, respectful, and effective intuitional response.
        2. The College is committed to ensuring that all employees understand how to respond to reports of sexual misconduct. All new students and all new employees will be provided with education in prevention and awareness of sexual and/or gender harassment, discrimination and violence, including sexual violence, stalking, and domestic violence.
        3. The education programs may include:
          • A statement that the College prohibits sexual harassment, discrimination, and violence, including sexual violence, stalking, and domestic violence;
          • The definition of prohibited conduct, including sexual harassment, discrimination, and violence, including sexual violence, stalking, and domestic violence, under College policies and procedures, and state law;
          • The definition of consent in reference to sexual activity under College policy and state law;
          • A description of safe and positive options for bystander intervention;
          • Information on risk reduction;
          • Information on how to recognize warning signs of abusive behavior in order to mitigate the likelihood of preparation, victimization, or bystander inaction;
          • Options and resources for reporting sexual harassment, discrimination, and violence, including sexual violence, stalking, and domestic violence.
        4. All students, staff, and faculty will receive regular opportunities to review this information, become acquainted with new policies and best practices, and practice key skills.
        Training and education may be provided by appropriately trained campus personnel, online programs, and/or external parties. The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for oversight, coordination, and assessment of prevention and training programs on campus, in collaboration with the appropriate departments and personnel. The Title IX Coordinator will review education and prevention programs on an annual basis to ensure quality and address staffing and resource needs.
  9. Resources, Counseling and Support
    1. Resources, counseling and support
      1. Contact information for resources and support, is available on Lakeland's web site at www.lakelandcc.edu.
      2. Additional resources may be found in the College's Annual Security Report. A copy of this report can be found on the College's web site, and is also available in the Lakeland Community College Police Department office.
  10. Filing Complaint with External Agency
    Persons who believe they have been subjected to sexual harassment may be able to file a complaint with the Ohio Civil Rights Commission, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights. Information regarding filing charges with any of these agencies may be obtained from the agency directly or from the College Title IX Coordinator.
Staging Enabled