Procedure Title: Grants Accounting
Procedure Number:BS32-20
Originally Approved Date:
Revised Date(s):4/13/04
Related Policy/Procedure:
Approved By:President
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  1. All grant proposals will be constructed under the guidance of the Manager, Grants Development.
    1. All funds received from granting agencies must be deposited into the proper college accounts.
    2. The Financial Services Office will be responsible for monitoring all expenditures made against grants and that regulations imposed by the granting agencies are complied with.
    3. The Financial Services Office will act as the fiscal agency on all approved grants received by the college. Financial reports required by the granting agencies shall be prepared by the Financial Services Office. All such reporting will be coordinated with the grant project director.(I) All grant proposals will be constructed under the guidance of the Director for Development and Grants.
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