Procedure Title: Academic Standards Procedure
Procedure Number:IS47-02
Originally Approved Date:By President's Cabinet on 3/21/00
Revised Date(s):5/13/2014, 4/19/19
Related Policy/Procedure: 3354:2-47-02
Approved By:President
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  1. Academic Probation
    1. A student will be placed on academic probation after attempting a minimum of 12 semester credits and both the semester GPA and cumulative GPA fall below 2.0
    2. A student on academic probation is required to:
      1. Complete a Plan for Academic Success (PAS) form prior to enrolling in the first semester of probation;
      2. Meet with an academic reviewer prior to enrolling in each semester while on probation.
    3. A student on academic probation may attempt a maximum of 18 additional semester credits. The student will be removed from academic probation during the 18 credit hour period when his/her cumulative GPA is 2.0 or higher. Repeated courses will be counted toward the 18 semester credit total.
    4. Students whose semester GPA is 2.0 or greater but whose cumulative GPA would cause them to be dismissed will be granted an additional probationary period for each semester in which the semester GPA is 2.0 or greater. Courses below the 1000 level with a passing grade can be used to allow a student to remain an additional semester even though these courses are not factored into a GPA and cannot be used toward academic forgiveness.
  2. Academic Dismissal
    1. The student will be dismissed after the 18 semester credit period of academic probation if the cumulative GPA is below 2.0. The dismissal will be for the following semester.
    2. A student dismissed at the end of fall semester will not be permitted to enroll in spring semester classes; a student dismissed at the end of spring semester will not be permitted to enroll in either summer or fall semester classes; a student dismissed at the end of summer sessions will not be permitted to enroll in fall semester classes.
  3. Conditional Readmission
    1. A student dismissed for academic reasons will be eligible to apply for conditional readmission after one semester.
    2. Conditional readmission requires the student to:
      1. Complete a Plan for Academic Success (PAS) form;
      2. Submit the PAS to the Director of Admissions/Registrar at least six weeks prior to the semester for which the student is seeking conditional readmission. If the PAS is not approved, the student may appeal to the Academic Appeals Committee which will be convened by the Associate Provost for Enrollment Management.
    3. A student who is conditionally readmitted will be permitted to enroll for up to 18 additional credit hours. Enrollment will be limited to a maximum of 9 credit hours per semester until the cumulative grade point average is 2.0 or above. If, after attempting the additional 18 credit hours his/her cumulative grade point average is still below 2.0, the student will be dismissed. Dismissal will be mandated for the following semester.
    4. After a second dismissal the student must appear before the Academic Appeals Committee to apply for readmission. Appearing before the Academic Appeals Committee does not guarantee readmission.

NOTE: A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 is required for graduation. Some programs may have higher requirements.

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