Procedure Title: Credit for Prior Learning Procedures
Procedure Number:IS47-16
Originally Approved Date:3/7/00
Revised Date(s):
Related Policy/Procedure: 3354:2-47-16
Approved By:President
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  1. "Evaluation of Prior Learning" means students may receive credits or a course waiver if they can show proficiency and knowledge in a particular subject. Those who believe their prior education or related work experience qualifies for any of the options shown should make an appointment with a counselor. Final decisions rest with the division dean of the academic division in which the challenged courses are taught.
  2. "Course Waiver" means there are reasons which have been accepted for the student to be excused from taking a course specifically identified in the student's program of study. No credit is received. Students are required to elect other courses to replace those courses waived in order to meet the college's required minimum of sixty-four semester hours for graduation with an associate degree. See the appropriate dean for divisional policy on course waiver.
  3. "Credit by Advanced Placement Testing" means that some students take special courses in high school designed as advanced placement. Upon completion of such a course a student takes a nationally normed examination which measures his/her mastery of specific course content for the purpose of placement in college. See the appropriate dean for divisional policy on advanced placement.
  4. "Credit by 'CLEP)' " means that a student has taken an examination through the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and has achieved a sufficiently high score to receive credit for a specific ourse or set of courses or credit of a general nature. Standards are established on a divisional basis. Credit by CLEP is similar to credit by examination. CLEP tests are locally administered and arranged through Cleveland State University. The student should consult with the appropriate dean regarding specific CLEP examinations divisionally approved for course or general credit.
  5. "Credit by Certification" - Means that the student may receive credit for selected courses because of formal, non-collegiate learning. Such learning is attested to through the awarding of certificates, diplomas, or letters of completion. See the appropriate dean for divisional evaluation.
  6. "Credit by Examination" means that a student elects to take a comprehensive examination or set of tests to demonstrate that course goals and objectives are met at a satisfactory level. See the appropriate dean for opportunities for credit by examination.
  7. "Credit by Experience" means that the student may substitute career or life experiences for selected courses. The student must demonstrate both practical skill and theoretical knowledge which meet the course goals and objectives. Student experiences submitted for such credit will be evaluated by the full-time faculty and/or appropriate dean of the relevant discipline. See the appropriate dean for any opportunities available.
  8. "Credit by Articulation" means that the student may receive credit for selected courses by satisfying the requirements set forth in articulation agreements with local schools. Students who may qualify for articulation credit should consult with their high school guidance counselor or Lakeland's Admissions Office.
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