Procedure Title: Incomplete Grade
Procedure Number:IS47-10
Originally Approved Date:3/7/00
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Approved By:President
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An incomplete grade may be requested by a student who is progressing satisfactorily in a course but, for reasons beyond his/her control (e.g., illness, employment, death in family), has not completed all requirements for the course when final grades are submitted by the instructor. An incomplete grade may not be used to allow a student extra time to avoid failing a course.

The student must complete all conditions established by the instructor, as listed on the incomplete grade form, by the end of the following academic semester. (A student receiving an incomplete grade at the end of spring or summer semester must complete all conditions by the end of the following fall semester.) Upon the student's completion of these conditions, the instructor will change the incomplete grade to the earned final grade. If the student fails to complete the necessary conditions within the prescribed time limit, the incomplete grade will automatically be changed to an "F" grade on the student's record.

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