Procedure Title: Class Additions, Drop/Add, and Withdrawal Procedures
Procedure Number:IS54-01
Originally Approved Date:3/7/00
Revised Date(s):5/7/13
Related Policy/Procedure: 3354:2-47-01 3345:2-54-01
Approved By:President
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  1. Course registration
    All students should be properly registered and present in the classroom (or available for online courses) from the first day that the class meets.
  2. Class addition
    Officially registered students wishing to add a class during the first week of the term are required to obtain permission from the faculty member if the first class meeting has been held. The first day of online classes is considered the first day of the term.
  3. Withdrawal
    Students are able to withdraw from a class from the beginning of the second week through the end of the twelfth week of the semester. A course withdrawal will be indicated on a student's academic record by a grade of "W". After the twelfth week no withdrawal is permitted.

    Students registered for courses other than the standard 16-week semester should consult the Lakeland website or the session enrollment guide for appropriate deadlines regarding withdrawal.

    A student seeking an exception to the posted withdrawal deadline for reasons beyond his/her control, must petition the Registrar in writing for a late withdrawal and will need to indicate that attendance and completion of coursework is not possible for documented serious personal, medical, or employment reasons.

    Documentation must be included with the petition.
Staging Enabled