Procedure Title: Key and Lock Security Information Procedures
Procedure Number:CP71-02
Originally Approved Date:
Revised Date(s):5/10/2011
Related Policy/Procedure: 3354:2-20-77
Approved By:President
Printable PDF:



  1. College keys and door locks are managed by the Campus Police Department. Locks and keys for filing cabinets, storage cabinets and desks are managed by the Purchasing Department.
  2. There are service fees, chargeable to the requesting department or individual, for keys, locks and repair services. Service fee rates can be obtained by calling Campus Police or the Purchasing Department. Individual office keys will only be issued with the approval of the appropriate administrator or dean and the Director of Public Safety. Keys will not be issued to part-time personnel. These items can be ordered from the Campus Police Department in writing. Requests should be accompanied by a purchase requisition covering any fees involved. Office keys will normally be delivered 2-3 weeks after ordering. Any changes to the college key and lock system must be approved by the Director of Public Safety.
  3. The Campus Police Department operates a door-opening service for authorized personnel 24 hours a day. Individuals requesting such service may be asked to produce personal identification by the officer responding to the call. When officers are on an emergency call, the response to door requests may be delayed.
  4. Administrators and deans may authorize access to controlled areas of the college by sending a written authorization (including names and social security numbers) to the Director of Public Safety. Requests not made in this manner will not be honored.
  5. Regular door opening arrangements can be made by administrators and deans at the beginning of each quarter. Requests not complying with this procedure may not be honored.
  6. Complaints or questions about these services should be directed to the Director of Public Safety.
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