Procedure Title: Tornado Watch and Warning Procedures
Procedure Number:CP71-04
Originally Approved Date:10/6/98
Revised Date(s):5/10/11
Related Policy/Procedure: 3354:2-20-77
Approved By:President
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  1. The National Weather Service issues a tornado "watch" when the possibility of a tornado exists and a tornado "warning" when a tornado has been spotted or indicated on radar.
  2. In the event of a tornado watch there is a chance of dangerous weather and damaging winds. During a watch you should be alert for tornado danger signals (severe thunderstorms, hail, a loud roaring noise, and a funnel cloud formation) and be prepared to move quickly to shelter should conditions change and worsen. Tornado danger signals include severe thunderstorms, hail, a loud roaring noise and funnel cloud formation.
  3. In the event of a tornado warning, where a tornado has actually been sighted or spotted on radar, you should immediately upon hearing the warning signal go to the designated shelter area for this facility.
  4. Tornado shelter areas for college locations are as follows:
    1. Building A: go immediately to the basement hallway.
    2. Building B: go immediately to the basement hallway of building A.
    3. Building C: go immediately to the basement hallway.
    4. Building D: go immediately to the basement of Building C by the photo lab (C18 hallway).
    5. Building E: go immediately to the ground floor, center of building.
    6. Building T: go immediately to the ground floor, center of building.
    7. Building S: go immediately to the basement hallway.
    8. Building H: go immediately to the ground floor.
    9. Buildings L & Y: go immediately to the ground floor, center of the building.
    10. Lakeland East: Go immediately to the center of the building, restrooms or hallway.
    11. Lakeland West: Go immediately to the center of the building
    12. Holden University Center: Go immediately to the ground floor, restroom area.
  5. If a tornado strikes before you can reach a shelter area, seek safety in a ditch (if outdoors) or underneath a heavy object. Always pick a location safe from flying glass and debris. Assume the fetal position with your face down, your knees up under you, and cover the back of your head with your hands until the emergency has passed.
  6. Tornado watch and warning information and alerts will be made by the Campus Police Department assisted by custodial, maintenance, and grounds personnel.
  7. If you have any questions about this procedure, contact the Campus Police Department at x7241.
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