Procedure Title: Warrants and Subpoenas Procedure
Procedure Number:CP71-06
Originally Approved Date:
Revised Date(s):
Related Policy/Procedure:
Approved By:President
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  1. The Campus Police Department will assist other police agencies, upon request, in the serving of active arrest warrants and subpoenas when the agency has been unable to serve the papers within their jurisdiction. The requesting agency will contact LCCPD and provide the name, social security number, birth date, and information regarding the arrest warrant. The dispatcher shall contact the Lakeland Officer in Charge and provide all information regarding the student or employee and the other agency's request.
  2. Upon approval of the Officer in Charge, the dispatcher will contact the requesting agency. The agency will be advised as to when to come to LCCPD headquarters to serve the warrant. The officer(s) from the agency will provide LCCPD with a copy of the warrant to be served. A Lakeland officer will accompany the officer(s) from the other agency to the location of the person named on the warrant. The arrest will be planned and coordinated so as to provide minimum disruption to college life. The Lakeland officer will act as a witness and accompany the other officer(s) and arrested person to their cruiser.
  3. The Lakeland officer will complete an Incident Report detailing the circumstances of the arrest. A copy of the report will be forwarded to the Vice President of Student Services.
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