Procedure Title: College Parking Procedures
Procedure Number:CP81-01
Originally Approved Date:
Revised Date(s):5/10/2011
Related Policy/Procedure: 3354:2-20-77
Approved By:President
Printable PDF:



  1. Student Parking
    Student parking facilities are available in the west, north, engineering, northeast, and gymnasium parking lots. These parking facilities are provided for use by individuals presently enrolled as students. The spaces in these parking lots are filled on a first-come, first-served basis and students are prohibited from parking elsewhere on campus unless directed to do so by a campus law enforcement officer. Students making use of these facilities or operating a vehicle on the campus must comply with the college police district parking and traffic regulations. The college provides shuttle service to all these areas.
  2. Faculty/Staff Parking
    The faculty/staff parking lot is equipped with a gate-house for control purposes and is reserved for use by faculty, staff, and employees of the college. The spaces in this parking lot are filled on a first-come, first-served basis and vehicles using this lot must bear a valid parking permit. Unauthorized vehicles may be towed or ticketed by the Campus Police Department. Parking permits can be obtained from the Campus Police Department (room A-2).
  3. Handicapped Persons
    Under Ohio law, any person parking a vehicle in a reserved for handicapped parking space, on public or private property, is subject to a citation and fine unless the vehicle displays either a special handicap license plate or a special handicap placard. Both items are available from the Bureau of Motor Vehicles in Columbus. For more information about these license plates or placards, contact the Campus Police Department (room A-2). A handicap permit for use only on campus may also be obtained from the Campus Police Department.
  4. Visitor/Guest Parking
    Visitors may park in the metered spaces by the Faculty/Staff lot, or in any general student parking lot.
  5. Medical Permit Parking
    Individuals attending or employed by the college who become temporarily disabled may enjoy the use of special parking facilities by obtaining a medical parking permit from the Campus Police Department. Application for medical permits should be made to the Police Department and shall be valid only for the current term. Individuals who have a temporary medical permit may park in handicapped spaces.
  6. Contractor Parking
    Contractor vehicles must be registered with the Campus Police Department and display a valid temporary parking tag. Special contractor parking needs should be coordinated in advance with the Director for Facilities Management.
  7. Violation Procedure
    Vehicles found violating college parking regulations may be ticketed or towed pursuant to applicable state law, college regulation, and/or the college enforcement procedure. Special enforcement attention will be given to vehicles creating a hazard to traffic, parked on the grass, outside of yellow lines, etc.
  8. Parking Lot Security
    College parking lots are patrolled by the Campus Police Department on a 24-hour per day basis using both market and unmarked police cars. Emergency telephones (red or gray telephone boxes) are located in all of the college parking lots and at other locations on campus and will connect the caller directly to the Campus Police radio dispatcher in the event of an emergency. College shuttle buses and maintenance vehicles are equipped with two-way emergency radios which can be used to summon police or emergency help in case of need.
  9. Shuttle Bus Service
    The Campus Police Department operates a shuttle bus service throughout the campus for the convenience and safety of students, faculty, staff, and employees of the institution. The hours of operation vary by semester. The hours are published in the class schedule for each semester. Shuttle buses are not available for off-campus service or trips.
  10. Parking Fines
    The following fee schedule applies to parking violations at the college:

    General Violation ………………$20.00
    Handicapped Violation………… $50.00

    Parking fines can be paid in the envelope provided with the violation ticket and can be deposited at the Cashier's Office.
  11. Towing Procedures
    Abandoned motor vehicles, vehicles under the control of a suspect of a crime, vehicles damaged in a traffic accident, vehicles left on a roadway or parking lot and posing a hazard to traffic, etc., may be towed and impounded by the Campus Police Department pursuant to applicable law.
  12. Emergency Towing and Road Service
    Emergency towing service may be obtained on a 24-hour basis for students, faculty, staff, employees, and visitors by contacting the Campus Police Department. In such cases the person requesting the tow can designate his own towing firm. In all cases, the person making the request must pay the towing firm prior to the rendering of service.
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