Procedure Title: Safety Procedures
Procedure Number:CP71-05
Originally Approved Date:
Revised Date(s):5/10/11
Related Policy/Procedure: 3354:2-20-77
Approved By:President
Printable PDF:



  1. The Campus Police Department employs sworn, armed and unsworn police and security officers to patrol the campus 24 hours a day. These officers are on foot and in marked police cars. The Campus Police headquarters is located in the basement of "A" building (room A-2).
  2. In case of fire, accident, illness, or police emergency dial 911. A police operator will answer immediately.
  3. In various locations throughout the campus, including the student parking lots, police call boxes can be found and used to contact the Campus Police. Most of these phones connect you with the police dispatcher when you pick up the receiver. With other phones, simply dial "911." Every time you make such a call a police officer is immediately sent to the scene. Please make a mental note of where these emergency phones are located on campus.
  4. The Campus Police Department employs students on a part-time basis to assist with the task of protecting the campus community. These security aides wear distinctive uniforms and carry two-way portable radios.
  5. The campus shuttle bus service uses vehicles equipped with two-way radios which enable them to communicate with the Campus Police Department. This service is managed by the Campus Police Department and transports students to and from the student parking lots and the south lobby of "A" building. Questions or suggestions regarding this service should be directed to the Director of Public Safety at extension 7241.
  6. To prevent crime:
    1. report suspicious persons and activity to the Campus Police Department at once.
    2. don't leave your personal property unattended even for short periods of time.
    3. take an interest in your own personal safety and that of other members of the campus community.
    4. participate in our campus safety and security programs.
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