Procedure Title: Nondiscrimination by Organizations
Procedure Number:SS61-06
Originally Approved Date:May 13, 2014
Revised Date(s):
Related Policy/Procedure: 3354:2-20-02
Approved By:President
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This is an administrative procedure regarding discrimination by organizations based on race, color, age, veteran status, religious status or historic religious affiliation, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability or national origin.

  1. Every student organization registered and approved by the college is expected to be open to all students. Any student organization selecting its membership upon the basis of restrictive clauses dealing with race, color, age, veteran status, gender identity (unless exempt under Title IX), gender expression, sexual orientation, disability or national origin will be operating in conflict with college policy.
    1. Student organizations are free to select its members upon the basis of individual merit.
    2. Student organizations that select their members on the basis of commitment to a set of beliefs (political or religious) may limit membership and participation in the organization to students who, upon individual inquiry, affirm that they support the organization's political, religious, or other legally protected views, consistent with the First Amendment.
  2. Every registered student organization must submit a copy of its constitution, local and national, and by-laws or other satisfactory information governing its operation to the appropriate college official. The college will accept in good faith the provisions of such constitutions and by-laws indicating that the local organization is free to select members upon the basis of individual merit and that membership in the local organization is not governed by restrictive clauses which deal with race, color, age, veteran status, religious status or historic religious affiliation, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability or national origin.
  3. Should a student organization be in conflict with college policy in the selection of its members, the group will be asked to submit evidence that action has been or is being taken to remove such restrictive membership provisions such as a request for a waiver of the restriction from the national organization. A reasonable period of time, as determined by the Student Activities Office, may be granted to remove the restrictive provisions. Continued restriction of membership by constitutional requirements or other binding enactment contrary to college policy will result in withdrawal of the college charter of the student organization. This procedure does not apply to membership practices which are exempt under state or federal law and regulations.
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