Procedure Title: Demonstrations, Marches, and Speakers
Procedure Number:SS61-05
Originally Approved Date:
Revised Date(s):6/2/05
Related Policy/Procedure: 3354:2-61-05
Approved By:President
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  1. Definitions
    1. "Demonstration" - An assembly of persons engaged in a rally, march, or other public manifestation of welcome, approval, protest, or disapproval but does not include social or athletic exhibitions or events.
    2. "March" - The movement of an assembly of persons from one point to another.
    3. "Off-campus Speaker" - A person not enrolled as a student nor employed by the college who addresses or intends to address persons on the campus ground or in a facility of the college.
    4. "Registered Student Organization" - A student organization properly registered with the Student Activities Office pursuant to rule 3354:2-70-05 of the college policy manual.
    5. "College Department" - Any officially recognized section of the college administrative structure.
    6. "Sound Amplification Equipment" - Any mechanical or electrical device used to amplify sound.
  2. General
    1. All demonstrations, marches, and off-campus speakers must be sponsored by a registered student organization or college department.
    2. In all instances, those sponsoring demonstrations, marches, or speakers are responsible for making the necessary provisions to maintain the peaceful demeanor of the assembly including the arrangements for marshals or other self-governing services in cooperation with the assigned college police personnel. The sponsoring group shall be responsible for all expenses and damages incurred to the college.
    3. The college will neither permit nor condone unlawful action. Civil disobedience as a means to produce change is always a matter of individual conscience and consequence.
    4. Firearms, explosives, narcotics of all types, dangerous ordinances, fireworks, firecrackers, and alcohol are prohibited at all college assemblies, marches, demonstrations and forums.
  3. Demonstrations and Marches
    1. In order to secure assistance in planning and obtaining college facilities and, in order to protect the rights of all members of the college community, participants and non-participants student groups must register demonstrations and marches with the Student Activities Office and college departments must register demonstrations and marches with the Campus Police Department, except as noted in paragraph (C) (2) of this rule. Details concerning space, time, and special arrangements will be noted at that time.
    2. The college permits demonstrations without prior registration in the areas listed below at the times specified provided that no sound amplification equipment is utilized and members of the college community not participating in the demonstration may proceed with their normal activities. Demonstrations may occur without prior registration:
      1. On the Storer Commons mound when not previously scheduled.
      2. On the lawn in front of the Athletic & Fitness Center.
    3. Demonstrations and marches shall be denied registration or immediately curtailed by the Student Activities Office or Campus Police Department when:
      1. The Dean of Student Development, Chief of Police, or designee has a reasonable basis to conclude that the demonstration or off-campus speaker event substantially threatens to materially disrupt the normal activities of the college or result in a violation of criminal law.
      2. The Dean of Student Development, Chief of Police, or designee has a reasonable basis to conclude that there is danger to those participating in the demonstration or march.
    4. Furthermore, demonstrations may not:
      1. Be held inside or in the vicinity of campus buildings except as approved by the Dean of Student Development and the Lakeland Community College Chief of Police.
      2. Substantially obstruct or disrupt any legitimate function of the college including, but not limited to, teaching, administration, public service or other authorized events.
      3. Substantially obstruct the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
    5. The route of all marches or parades must be registered at least one day in advance of the proposed event with the Student Activities Office.
  4. Off-campus Speakers
    1. A college is a forum for the scrutiny and exchange of ideas. Therefore, the college encourages student organizations and college departments to invite speakers to the campus.
    2. Registered student organizations must register all off-campus speakers with the Student Activities Office and college departments must register all off-campus speakers with the Campus Police Department in order to assure orderly calendaring and to facilitate the event. The Student Activities Office and Campus Police Department shall establish operational procedures to accomplish this purpose but such procedures shall not impose limitations based upon the subjects to be discussed or the background or past associations of the speakers.
    3. It is the responsibility of the sponsor to inform speakers of laws concerning advocacy of violence, inciting to riot, or other illegal acts.
  5. Violations and Sanctions
    1. A demonstration, march, or an event which features an off-campus speaker shall be in violation of this rule and subject to immediate cancellation and an order for all participants to disband by the Dean of Student Development or Chief of Police:
      1. Which is not registered with the appropriate office with the exception of demonstrations in the areas specified in paragraph (C) (2) of this rule;
      2. Which has been registered by the appropriate office but violates the terms and conditions thereof;
      3. Which substantially disrupts the normal activities of the college including but not limited to teaching, administration, public service, or other authorized events;
      4. Which substantially invades the rights of others; or
      5. Which results in the violation of criminal law.
    2. Any person failing to disband from a demonstration or march upon being so ordered pursuant to paragraph (E) (1) of this rule shall be in violation of this rule and subject to appropriate legal sanctions. Students and student organizations in violation of this rule shall be subject to the sanctions of the code of student conduct and/or arrest for a violation of law.
  6. Any member of the college community, student organization or college department convinced that arbitrary, unlawful, or unreasonable limitations have been imposed upon any demonstration, march, or off-campus speaker event under the provisions of this rule may appeal to the Vice President for Student Services. The decision of the Vice President is final.
  7. Representatives of registered student organizations that wish to sponsor a demonstration, march, or off-campus speaker must initiate the necessary registration and scheduling forms in the Student Activities Office. Information necessary to complete this process includes:
    1. desired location;
    2. event time;
    3. estimated attendance;
    4. route of march, if applicable;
    5. budget;
    6. plans for security;
    7. names of any off-campus speakers;
    8. hospitality plans for off-campus speakers.
  8. Only currently-registered students who are members of the sponsoring organization may facilitate the planning of this event.
  9. The student representative of the sponsoring organization is responsible for making the necessary arrangements with college offices as directed by the staff of the Student Activities Office. These offices include but are not limited to:
    1. Campus Police
    2. Instructional Media
    3. Physical Plant
Staging Enabled