Procedure Title: Student Employment
Procedure Number:SS62-02
Originally Approved Date:3/7/00
Revised Date(s):06/10/2003, 10/10/05
Related Policy/Procedure:
Approved By:President
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  1. Procedures
    1. Eligibility
      ​The hiring cost center/department supervisor should verify the student's eligibility prior to offering the student the job and immediately after the end of each semester. Centrally, Career Services will recheck the student's eligibility to work by the second week of each semester. Career Services will notify the student's supervisor if the student does not meet eligibility requirements. The supervisor should immediately inform the student worker that he/she is not eligible to work.
      1. Eligibility Requirements for On-Campus Student Employment: A student must be:
        1. Currently enrolled at Lakeland Community College in a minimum of six (6) credit hours;
        2. In academic good standing. (For academic good standing, the student must have a 2.0 accumulative GPA to begin working and maintain a 2.0 accumulative GPA to continue to work. New students do not have a GPA requirement.
      2. Summer Session student workers are not required to be enrolled in a minimum of 6.0 credit hours during the summer if:
        1. They were enrolled (registered and paid) for at least six (6) credit hours during the previous Spring Semester AND
        2. They are registered for at least six (6) credit hours for the upcoming Fall Semester AND
        3. They have a minimum 2.0 accumulative GPA.
      3. Request for Exception to Eligibility Requirements:
        1. If the student has mitigating circumstances for not meeting the minimum credit or the GPA requirements, the supervisor has the option to request that an exception be made to the policy. The supervisor must submit written rationale for the student's failure to meet the eligibility requirements directly to the Director of Career Services.
    2. Procurement
      1. The department supervisor initiates job posting by posting the open position on the Career Services Career Connect online job board under On-Campus Employment. A flyer of available on-campus student worker positions is created from the online job postings. The flyers are posted throughout the campus for easy access to students. Students apply directly to the hiring department.
    3. Selection
      1. The hiring department conducts their own interviews/selection process. After a candidate has been selected for their position, a Personnel Action Report (PAR) (completed by the hiring supervisor), employment eligibility (I-9), and tax packet forms (completed by the student worker) must be forwarded to Career Services for verification and data entry into the Banner (Personnel/Payroll) System which activates their employment and generates payroll. A student worker should not begin working until five days AFTER the PAR is received by Career Services to ensure that the student has been approved and processed for student employment.
  2. General Guidelines
    1. Employment of College-paid student employees will conform generally to federal guidelines for the federal work-study program.
    2. Career Services administers the on-campus student employment and Banner process. All on-going student help is processed through the Career Services Office. All short-term employment (i.e., someone selling tickets for a single performance) is processed through the Human Resources Division.
    3. Supervisors are expected to give student employees adequate training to fulfill their positions in a proper way. They are encouraged but not required to complete performance evaluations in conjunction with their training.
    4. During the academic year, a student worker may work 25 hours per week. During academic recess or summer sessions, students may work up to 40 hours per week if they are not enrolled in classes.
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