Procedure Title: Participation in Student Activities
Procedure Number:SS61-07
Originally Approved Date:3/7/00
Revised Date(s):6/2/05
Related Policy:
Approved By:President
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  1. General: The eligibility requirements of the college are designed to insure that a student participating in extracurricular activities is registered in at least one semester hour. Each student organization may set such additional requirements as may be appropriate for its own purposes. These requirements must be placed on file with the Student Activities Office. The advisor and chief student leader of each organization is primarily responsible for determining the eligibility of its participants and for enforcing the eligibility regulations. If any students are found ineligible to hold office by the Student Activities Office, the advisor and chief student leader will be notified.
  2. Requirements for Lakeland Student Government Representatives and Campus Activities Board Officers:
    1. At the time of election and continuing throughout the terms served, Lakeland Student Government Representatives and Campus Activities Board Officers must be enrolled in and regularly attending at least six credit hours.
    2. At the time of election and continuing throughout the terms served, representatives of the Lakeland Student Government Representatives and Campus Activities Board Officers must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.30, not be on academic probation, and pass at least six or more hours. Also, at the time of election, Lakeland Student Government Representatives and Campus Activities Board Officers must have passed at least six (6) hours in the preceding semester of attendance. If a student was enrolled for less than six (6) hours that preceding semester, he/she must have passed all of the hours attempted. First semester students who are not officially classified under a transfer status are exempt from this requirement.
    3. A single summer term does not affect eligibility except with regard to the cumulative grade point average. A two-term summer program has the same status as any other semester.
    4. The Dean of Student Development is primarily responsible for determining the eligibility of Lakeland Student Government Representatives and Campus Activities Board Officers and for enforcing the eligibility regulations. Any student who is a Lakeland Student Government Representative and Campus Activities Board Officer must withdraw from such activity at once if he/she becomes ineligible to participate. The Dean of Student Development shall be required to review student standing at the beginning of each academic term.
    5. Appeals for a waiver may be presented in writing by the student to the Dean of Student Development or his/her designee. Requirements for granting a waiver:
      1. Appeals shall be reviewed by the Dean of Student Development or his/her designee.
      2. A student must have demonstrated a previous history of satisfactory academic proficiency.
      3. The Dean of Student Development or designee and the student will develop a written agreement relative to the establishment of an academic support program. Failure to carry out any part of the agreement may result in loss of eligibility to participate in student government.
    6. In addition to those requirements, eligibility for many activities and offices is governed by the rules of the specific organization or representative body.
Staging Enabled