Procedure Title: Drug- and Alcohol-free Workplace Procedures
Procedure Number:HR20-72
Originally Approved Date:3/21/95
Revised Date(s):
Related Policy/Procedure: 3354:2-20-72
Approved By:President
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  1. Standards of Conduct
    1. The college administration enforces Board Policy 3354:2-20-72, Drug- and Alcohol-free Workplace.
    2. The Board of Trustees has established a Criminal Code Regulation (Section 901 of the Lakeland Community College Code of Regulations) allowing for the authorized use and possession of alcohol in lawful furtherance of College- sponsored activities.
  2. Sanctions
    1. Anyone found violating any provision of this procedure and/or the standards of conduct contained herein shall be subject to the immediate imposition of legal and disciplinary sanctions.
  3. Terms and Definitions
    1. The definition of any and all terms used in this procedure can be found in any or all of the following sources: Public Law 101-226 (The Drug Free Schools and Communities Act as amended, 1989); Federal Drug Laws; Chapter 2925 (Drug Offenses), and other applicable provisions of the Ohio Revised Code; and College Criminal Code Regulations.
  4. Health Risks
    1. Employees and students should carefully consider the consequences and risks associated with the use of illicit drugs (illegal or street drugs) and the abuse of alcohol. Drugs for medical purposes can be helpful - even life-serving. The wrong drug, or any drug if it is abused, can be physically and mentally damaging - or even lethal.
    2. Several terms will be defined to provide more understanding of drugs' effects.
      1. The first term is psychoactive. Psychoactive drugs are a class of drugs most frequently used socially and recreationally. These drugs act on the central nervous system - the brain. They may increase its activity (stimulants), decrease its activity (depressants), or cause the creation of hallucinations (hallucinogens).
      2. The next term is the concept of tolerance. Tolerance means that your body has become adapted to the drug and that you need increasingly larger doses to produce the desired effect.
      3. The third concept in dependence. Dependence, either psychological or physical, is defined as when a person cannot, or feels they cannot, function without the drug.
      4. The last term is synergism. When two or more drugs with similar effects are taken together or in sequence, their effects may be potentiated - made stronger than their additive sum.
    3. The following information will describe the health risks associated with the use and abuse of psychoactive drugs.
      1. The use of alcohol can create a psychological and/or physical dependency. Alcohol is a depressant that is absorbed into the bloodstream and transmitted to all parts of the body. Alcohol can reduce physical coordination and mental alertness. Larger amounts can cause staggering, slurred speech, double vision, sudden mood swings, and unconsciousness. Long-term heavy drinking may result in respiratory arrest or death. Heavy drinkers run the risk of developing liver and heart disease, circulatory problems, peptic ulcers, various forms of cancer and irreversible brain damage. Death may result if a heavy drinker withdraws too quickly from the drug.
      2. Cocaine is a strong, short-lasting stimulant. Its effects on the body and mind are dangerous and some damage may be irreversible. There is a strong psychological dependence to cocaine as the individual builds up tolerance. It can cause muscle twitches, seizures, severe anxiety, psychosis, heart-related effects, dramatic mood swings, and hallucinations. In addition, eating and sleep disorders, impaired sexual performance, and destruction of nasal tissue can result from its use. Death can occur from an overdose, heroin combination, or snorting.
      3. Marijuana is a mild hallucinogen. It is usually smoked or eaten. Its effects can cause increased heart rate, bloodshot eyes, dry mouth and throat, impaired concentration and coordination, and loss of short-term memory. A decrease in visual perception and psychomotor skills can have an adverse effect on driving ability. Long-term usage can cause chronic bronchitis, loss of motivation and an increased risk of lung cancer. Lower levels of the sex hormone, testosterone, and an increase in abnormal sperm can be found in men. Tolerance and psychological dependence develop.
      4. Depressants act much like alcohol and depress the central nervous system. Barbiturates and tranquilizers fall in this category. This type of drug leads to both psychological and physical dependence. Tolerance develops requiring higher doses to produce the same effects. Depressants can cause slowed response time, loss of judgment, decreased coordination and motor skills. Driving skills are seriously affected. Death can occur from breathing cessation, withdrawal reactions and a synergistic combination with other central nervous system depressants such as alcohol.
      5. Amphetamines, such as benzedrine and dexadrine, are the primary stimulants used in the drug culture. These drugs heighten one's sense of alertness and degree of energy. They depress the appetite, elevate blood pressure, and increase nervousness and hyperactivity. A feeling of fatigue and being slowed down may result after using amphetamines. Long-term effects include insomnia, malnutrition and acute psychosis. Abrupt withdrawal may result in severe depression.
      6. The most common hallucinogens are LSD (acid), PCP (angel dust), mescaline (peyote) and psilocybin (mushrooms). There is no physical or psychological dependence to these drugs; however, they are considered dangerous because of their unpredictable results. Panic reactions can occur resulting in horrifying perceptions. The euphoria produced by the drug can lead to violent behavior. Psychotic episodes may result from the use of PCP and cause an individual to become dangerous to himself or others. Tolerance can develop to the drugs. Because of the resulting perceptual disorders, no one should drive while using these drugs.
      7. A narcotic is an opiate that depresses the central nervous system. These drugs relieve pain without loss of consciousness. They may be taken orally, injected, or smoked. Opium, morphine, heroin and codeine are narcotics. Percodan and demerol are synthetic opium-like compounds. Tolerance and physical dependence to these drugs develop very quickly. They can cause drowsiness, stupor and a slow pulse and breathing rate. Overdose can lead to death through depression of the central nervous system and suppression of the breathing reflex. The use of alcohol and drugs is often associated with many other serious risks such as impaired learning, drunk driving, acquaintance rape, violence, accidents, injuries and unwanted pregnancies. The cost of drug abuse is high both to the individual and society.
  5. Description of Counseling, Treatment and Rehabilitation Programs
    1. Lakeland Community College's substance abuse program is open to the entire college family; students, faculty and staff. Through a series of tests and diagnostic interviews available, the individual's risk is assessed.
    2. Often a family member's drug use is discovered. Depending on the individual's medical insurance a recommendation is made for securing either in-patient or out-patient drug treatment.
    3. Lakeland's substance abuse program therefore acts as a clearinghouse to hook individuals up with a treatment that matches the severity of their disease as well as their ability to pay for such treatment. A list of treatment facilities in the area is available in health services.
  6. Statement of Intent
    1. The Board of Trustees and the College President hereby certify that the institution has adopted and implemented an alcohol abuse and drug prevention program for its students and employees, and that said program meets or exceeds the program's minimum standards mandated by the U.S. Department of Education pursuant to the provisions of Public Law 101-116 (The Drug Free Schools and Communities Act as amended, 1989).
    2. Lakeland Community College will distribute copies of the statement in written form annually to each employee. Students will be notified in writing annually that information on drug- and alcohol-free workplace is available in the Admissions Office, Health Services and Student Services.
    3. The President of Lakeland Community College will initiate a biennial review by the institution of the institution's alcohol-abuse drug-prevention program to determine its effectiveness and will implement changes to the program if they are needed. This biennial review will also ensure that the program's disciplinary sanctions are consistently enforced.
    4. Lakeland Community College hereby adopts and implements this procedure designed to prevent the use and/or distribution of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol by college students and employees alike. Without exception, the institution will impose applicable legal and disciplinary sanctions, as described above, upon any individual found violating the provisions of this procedure and/or the standards of conduct contained herein.
Staging Enabled