Procedure Title: Staff Professional Development
Procedure Number:HR20-56A
Originally Approved Date:10/22/96
Revised Date(s):4/11/06
Related Policy/Procedure: 3354:2-20-56
Approved By:President
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  1. Purpose
    1. The purpose of staff professional development is to create and provide opportunities for professional growth of Lakeland Community College staff employees.
  2. Composition of Committee
    1. The Staff Professional Development (SPD) Committee will be comprised of
      1. six staff representatives appointed by the LSA President and an administrator recommended by the Director of Human Resources with approval from the College President.
    2. Committee appointments are subject to approval by the College President.
    3. Appointees will serve a term of at least two years on a staggered basis.
    4. The Director of Human Resources and Organizational Development or designee will serve as a resource person to the committee.
  3. Role of Committee
    1. The purpose of the committee is to:
      1. become aware of the professional development needs of staff. This can be accomplished through needs assessment, questionnaires, surveys, etc.
      2. develop strategies to address professional development needs.
      3. oversee the implementation of group professional development programs in conjunction with the Human Resources Department.
      4. evaluate the effectiveness of group professional development efforts.
      5. develop criteria for evaluation and approval of individual requests for professional development.
      6. evaluate and approve requests for funding of professional development programs.
      7. submit recommendations for future funding of professional development programs beyond 1995-96.
  4. Group and Individual Programs
    1. Group professional development includes on- and off-campus activities which are directed toward the professional development of groups of College employees. Such programs may be requested by an individual employee, a group of employees, or members of the SPD Committee.
    2. Individual professional development includes on- and off-campus activities which are directed toward the professional growth of an individual enabling that individual to serve the organization in a more productive, positive, and skillful manner.
  5. Eligibility
    1. All staff (continuing and non-continuing [full-time and part-time]) are eligible to apply for funds.
  6. Distribution of Funds
    1. Staff development funds are intended to support the substantive aspect of the program.
      1. Group Staff Development
        1. Group of 50 or more not to exceed $1,000
        2. Group of 25-49 not to exceed $500
        3. Group of 2-24 not to exceed $300
      2. Individual Staff Development
        1. Each applicant will be eligible to an amount not to exceed $500 per fiscal year.
  7. Criteria for Evaluation
    1. Group Program
      1. The proposed program will facilitate a change, an innovation, or an enhancement of an established institutional practice or procedure.
      2. The proposed program will serve the needs and/or professional interests of a group of employees.
      3. The proposed program will be in agreement with the definition and goals of professional development at the College.
      4. The proposed program cannot be funded entirely by an already existing budget (such as departmental budget).
      5. The contact person shall submit in writing an evaluation of the results to include a summary, a list of participants, and each participant's individual evaluation forms.
    2. Individual Programs
      1. Staff development activities should broaden knowledge, increase awareness, and develop skills for the individual.
      2. The individual's professional development should be in conjunction with institutional/College goals.
      3. The proposed experience or activity may include: workshops, university/undergraduate/graduate courses, conferences, seminars, professional association activities, special training programs, or independent study. Individuals are eligible to receive SPD funds to purchase text books as indicated on their course syllabus. Performing services in a specialist role off-campus is excluded.
      4. Individuals on continuing status are eligible to use two one half hour periods per week to attend class.
      5. The employee will provide a written evaluation of the activity or program attended to the Committee.
  8. Procedure for Application
    1. The employee applying for SPD funds should complete an SPD "Application Form for Funding" and, if travel is required, a "Travel Approval and Expense Report " form. Both forms are available in the Human Resources Department, and completed forms should be returned to the Human Resources Department.
    2. The employee applying for SPD funds must obtain his/her supervisor's approval in order for the individual to participate in a development program.
    3. The SPD Committee will meet the first week of each month to review and approve requests.
      1. The SPD Committee will review the application and approve or disapprove the request. Their decision will be noted on the application form.
      2. The application form will be sent to the President for final approval.
      3. Upon the President's approval, the application form will be returned to the Human Resources Department where copies will be made and distributed to the employee, the employee's immediate supervisor and/or the contact person.
Staging Enabled