Procedure Title: Non-Grievable Concern/Complaint for Staff Personnel
Procedure Number:HR20-76B
Originally Approved Date:3/21/95
Revised Date(s):
Related Policy/Procedure: 3354:2-20-02
Approved By:President
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  1. Purpose
    1. To provide a mechanism that will allow staff personnel to air inter/intra-departmental non-grievable concerns/complaints for an effective and timely resolution.
  2. Procedure
    1. Staff with concerns/complaints that do not meet the definition of a grievance as defined in the policy should present his/her concern/complaint to the supervisor of record within 3 working days when he/she has knowledge of the incident which is the basis of the concern/complaint.
    2. The supervisor of record will investigate the circumstances surrounding the employee's concern/complaint and render and communicate his/her decision within 5 working days after the employee presented his/her concern/complaint. If the employee is not satisfied with the remedy proposed, he/she should request a meeting with the next level administrator.
    3. The employee will schedule a meeting with his/her second level administrator within 3 working days after the supervisor of record's decision.
    4. The second level administrator will meet with the employee, the supervisor of record and other individuals involved as appropriate, within 3 working days to discuss the concern/complaint and will communicate his/her decision to the employee in writing within 5 working days after the discussion.
    5. If the employee is dissatisfied with the decision rendered by the second level administrator, he/she can schedule to meet with the Vice President of the unit, if appropriate (i.e., the Vice President is not the second level administrator involved in Step (D)).
    6. If the employee is dissatisfied with the unit Vice President's decision, he/she can schedule a meeting with the Director of Human Resources and the President within 3 working days after the decision is rendered. The Director of Human Resources and the President will meet with the employee and other personnel involved in the various steps within 5 working days. A decision will be given to the employee in writing within 3 working days after the meeting.
    7. The President's decision shall be final and binding.
      1. Complaints about other departments or their employees should be directed to the complainant's supervisor of record.
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