Procedure Title: Employee of the Semester Recognition Program
Procedure Number:HR20-30B
Originally Approved Date:10/31/00
Revised Date(s):
Related Policy/Procedure: 3354:2-20-30
Approved By:President
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  1. Purpose
    1. To recognize staff employees for exceptional performance and contributions to their department and ultimately to the college. Individuals considered should exemplify the highest standards in their field to be emulated by other staff.
  2. Eligibility
    1. All non-probationary full- and part-time staff personnel who meet the criteria for selection. Individuals previously selected as employee of the semester will not be eligible for nomination again until two years have elapsed from the date they were selected. This will allow other outstanding employees an opportunity to be selected.
  3. Selection Procedures
    1. The selection committee will consist of seven members: three administrative and supervisory/professional personnel appointed by the Director of Human Resources with the concurrence of the Vice President for Administrative Services, three staff personnel elected by the Lakeland Staff Association, and the most recent recipient of the Employee of the Semester Award.
      1. The members will serve for a period of two years.
      2. The Director of Human Resources will chair the committee, will be a permanent member, and will be excluded from voting except to break a tie.
    2. The supervisor of record or any employee on continuing status can nominate an eligible individual for the employee of the semester award.
      1. The nominator must complete the "Employee of the Semester Nomination Form" and submit it to the Director of Human Resources by the deadline date. Specific examples of performance above and beyond the normal expectations of the job must be included.
    3. The committee will meet a week before the end of each semester to select the employee of the semester.
      1. The Director of Human Resources will distribute to each committee member a copy of the nomination forms received at least three working days before the committee meets.
      2. The Director of Human Resources will invite the nominators to attend the committee meeting to "champion" for their nominees.
    4. Each committee member will complete the "Employee of the Semester Selection Form" for each nominee. A maximum of 10 points will be assigned to each factor. Total points will be divided by the number of factors rated since not all the factors may apply to some positions.
      1. A minimum average score of 7 points is required for further consideration by the committee. An exception to this rule would require an extra-ordinary accomplishment in a particular category (e.g., putting oneself in jeopardy to save life or property, etc.).
      2. The employee with the highest average score will receive the employee of the semester award. All related documents in the selection process will be maintained in the Human Resources office.
  4. Recognition
    1. The employee selected for the award will be recognized at the President's Coffee reception or at another appropriate college function. The name is kept confidential prior to the reception.
    2. The employee of the semester will receive the awards listed. These will be presented at the President's Coffee reception or at another appropriate college function.
    3. The Director of Human Resources will inform the employee who was nominated by a supervisor or a fellow employee of their nomination. A copy of the letter will be filed in his/her personnel folder.
Staging Enabled