Procedure Title: Appeal of the Performance Rating
Procedure Number:HR20-30A
Originally Approved Date:3/21/95
Revised Date(s):
Related Policy/Procedure: 3354:2-20-30
Approved By:President
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  1. Step One: Appeal to the Supervisor of Record
    1. A staff employee may appeal an evaluation rating of 'unsatisfactory' based on a lack of, or a disagreement with the accuracy of, supporting statements and documentation found in the formal evaluation prepared by the supervisor of record.
      1. The written appeal shall be submitted by the employee within three working days of the evaluation conference with the supervisor and include a detailed explanation of the employee's position.
    2. The supervisor of record, within five working days of receipt of the appeal, will present the employee with a written decision responding to the points documented by the employee.
      1. If the supervisor recommends that specific statements be removed, altered, or amended, or that the overall rating be changed, he/she will compile a revised evaluation document and seek the approval of the unit administrator or Vice President.
        1. The revised document and supporting materials will replace the original evaluation document in the employee's personnel file. A copy will be provided to the employee.
      2. If the supervisor denies the employee's request, the written appeal and the supervisor's written decision will be placed in the employee's personnel file. A copy will be provided to the employee. The issue will be considered closed and the return to probationary status or termination upheld unless the employee appeals the decision to the second-level administrator.
        1. If the President of the college is the first-level administrator, the employee makes his/her appeal to the Director of Human Resources and Affirmative Action.
  2. Step Two: Appeal to the Second-level Administrator
    1. If the employee's appeal is denied by the supervisor of record, he/she may advance the appeal to the second-level administrator, to whom
      1. The written request submitted in step one must be forwarded as is to the second-level administrator within three working days of the supervisor's denial.
      2. The supervisor's written decision in response to the appeal will also be forwarded as is to the second-level administrator.
    2. The administrator is allowed five working days from receipt of the appeal to gather information from the employee and the supervisor and render a written decision.
      1. If the administrator recommends that specific statements be removed, altered, or amended, or that the overall rating be changed, he/she will independently, or in conjunction with the supervisor of record, compile a revised evaluation document.
        1. The revised document and supporting materials will replace the original evaluation document in the employee's personnel file. A copy will be provided to the employee.
      2. If the administrator denies the employees' request, a copy of the written decision will be provided to the employee and placed in the employee's personnel file. The issue will be considered closed and the return to probationary status or the termination will be in force.
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