Policy Title: New Employee Relocation Expense
Policy Number: 3354:2-20-04
Originally Approved Date:7/7/94
Revised Date(s):
Related Policy/Procedure: HR20-04
Approved By:Board of Trustees
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Continuing Admin & S/P Temporary Admin & S/P Tenure-track Faculty Non-tenure track Faculty
x Full-time Full-time x Full-time Temporary
x Partial-year Partial-year   Part-time
x Part-time Part-time    
Staff Staff
Full-time Full-time    
Partial-year Partial-year    
Part-time Part-time    


  1. Conditions for Reimbursement of Relocation Expense
    1. Approved in advance by the President or his/her designee, or in the case of the President, by the Chair of the Board of Trustees.
    2. Excludes expenses incurred in the course of purchasing a home and/or renting temporary accommodations.
    3. Applicable to newly-hired administrators, supervisory/professionals and faculty relocating from outside the greater Cleveland metropolitan area.
    4. Reimbursement will be in accordance with the following schedule:
      1. President - full cost of move.
      2. Administrators, supervisory/professionals, and faculty - not to exceed ten percent of starting annual salary.
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