Policy Title: Seniority, Lay-off, and Reinstatement of Staff Employees
Policy Number: 3354:2-20-07
Originally Approved Date:1/15/98
Revised Date(s):03/06/2003, 02/01/2024
Related Policy/Procedure:
Approved By:Board of Trustees
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Continuing Admin & S/P Temporary Admin & S/P Tenure-track Faculty Non-tenure track Faculty
Full-time Full-time Full-time Temporary
Partial-year Partial-year   Part-time
Part-time Part-time    
Staff Staff
x Full-time Full-time    
Partial-year Partial-year    
Part-time Part-time    


  1. Seniority Ranking
    1. Staff are ranked in order of seniority, in relation to continuing-status staff employees college-wide and in relation to continuing-status staff employees in the same classification.
      1. College-Wide Employment Seniority
        1. A staff employee's total paid time of employment in full-time continuing status staff positions is compared to the total time of paid employment (days, months, years) in full-time continuing status staff positions credited to all other full-time continuing status staff to determine the seniority ranking of staff, college-wide.
          1. Ties in placement will be broken by consideration of additional paid time in first, part-time continuing status positions and second, full or part-time employment in temporary status positions.
      2. Classification Employment Seniority
        1. A staff employee's total time of paid employment in the current, continuing status staff position classification is compared to the total time of paid employment of other current, continuing status staff employees assigned to the same position classification to determine the employee's placement in the seniority ranking of staff within the position classification.
  2. Lay-off
    1. Conditions Governing Lay-off of Staff Employees
      1. Lay-offs shall be in response to a lack of work or funds, recommended by the President, and approved by the Board of Trustees.
      2. Affected employees will be provided thirty calendar days written notice. However, this may be shortened under emergency situations such as the college's inability to meet payroll and other financial obligations.
    2. Notification to and Response from Affected Employees
      1. Thirty calendar days notice, except in the event of an emergency, will be provided to the affected employee.
  3. Reinstatement
    1. Laid-off employees may be reinstated to employment in a position in a previously-held classification for up to one year from the date of separation, provided they had an overall "fully acceptable" or better performance rating in their most recent performance appraisal prior to being laid-off.
    2. If more than one individual from a position classification is laid-off, the most senior will be given the first opportunity for reinstatement to a position in the classification.
      1. Employees will be given written notification from the Human Resources Department of opportunities for reinstatement.
      2. Laid-off employees will have ten working days from receipt of notification to deliver written acceptance of an offer to be reinstated.
    3. Upon reinstatement or hire (into a position classification not previously held) within a one year period following lay-off, employees will be given credit for previously accrued hours of employment.
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