Policy Number: 3354:2-20-13
Title: CAMPUS Act Policy
Date Approved by the Board of Trustees: Approved by the Board's Diversity Committee on October 24, 2024, pending approval by the Board of Trustees on November 7, 2024
Updated & Approved:
Related Procedure SS61-01
Continuing Admin & S/P Temporary Admin & S/P Tenure-track Faculty Non-tenure track Faculty
x Full-time x Full-time x Full-time x Temporary
x Partial-year x Partial-year   x Part-time
x Part-time x Part-time    
Continuing Staff Temporary Staff    
x Full-time x Full-time    
x Partial-year x Partial-year    
x Part-time x Part-time    



  1. Policy Statement
    Lakeland Community College is committed to fostering a safe and inclusive environment for all students, staff, and faculty. We do not tolerate any form of racial, religious, or ethnic bias, harassment, or intimidation as defined in the College's Non-Discrimination Policy 3354:2-20-02. This policy outlines our commitment to addressing such behaviors, ensuring that all members of our community feel valued and respected.
  2. Scope
    This policy applies to all students, faculty, staff, and visitors of the College. It covers all academic, extracurricular, and social activities held on campus, as well as any events affiliated with the institution.
  3. Training Requirements
    To effectively respond to incidents of bias, harassment, or intimidation, the College requires comprehensive training for all administration, faculty, and staff, including:
    1. Mandatory Training: All members of the institution's administration, faculty, and staff must undergo mandatory training on identifying, preventing, and responding to incidents of bias, harassment, and intimidation. This training will include protocols for immediate response during classes or events when an incident occurs.
    2. Ongoing Education: Regular workshops, seminars, and educational materials will be provided to reinforce the understanding of the institution's policies and procedures concerning racial, religious, and ethnic bias.
  4. Reporting Procedure
    The College is dedicated to ensuring that all complaints of racial, religious, or ethnic bias, harassment, or intimidation are taken seriously and investigated promptly and thoroughly. The procedure for accepting and investigating complaints is as follows:
    1. Submission of Complaints:
      Complaints may be submitted via the college's general complaint form located at https://www.lakelandcc.edu/feedback. Anonymous reporting is available for those who may fear retaliation to come forward. Anonymous reports will be investigated to the extent possible, although anonymity may limit the scope of the investigation.
  5. Investigation Process:
    1. Upon receipt of a complaint, the College will promptly and thoroughly initiate an investigation. The investigation will be conducted by a designated team, including representatives from Human Resources and Campus Police.
    2. The investigation will involve interviews with the complainant(s), the accused, and any relevant witnesses. All parties will be treated with respect and confidentiality.
  6. Disciplinary Actions:
    Based on the findings of the investigation, the College may impose disciplinary actions, consistent with the College's policies for employees and students (Student Conduct Code SS61-01), which could include but are not limited to, warnings, mandatory training, suspension, or expulsion for students; and warnings, mandatory training, suspension, or termination for faculty or staff.
  7. Communication of Findings:
    1. At the conclusion of the investigation, written communication will be provided to the complainant(s) and the individual(s) against whom the complaint was made. This communication will outline the findings of the investigation and any disciplinary actions taken, if applicable.
    2. Regardless of the outcome, educational information on the institution's policy against bias, harassment, and intimidation will be provided to all involved parties.
  8. Support for Affected Individuals
    The College shall offer support services to those affected by incidents of bias, harassment, or intimidation. For students, this includes counseling services, academic support, and access to other resources provided by the College.
  9. Campus Task Force
    The College shall create and mobilize a campus task force on combating antisemitism, Islamophobia, anti-Christian, and hatred, harassment, bullying, or violence toward others on the basis of their perceived or actual religious identity at the institution.
  10. Law Enforcement Partnerships
    The College and Campus Police shall continue collaborative partnerships between Willoughby, Kirtland, and Mentor Police Departments, the Ohio State Highway Patrol, the Lake County Sheriff's Office, and student clubs and organizations to provide security functions for student groups that face threats of terror attack or hate crimes, both on and off campus at affiliated or sponsored College events.
  11. Construction
    This policy shall be construed to comply with all rights and protections set forth in the Constitutions of the United States of America and the State of Ohio. Specifically, as a non- discrimination policy, the policy shall be applied equally against all forms of bias, harassment and intimidation regardless of the race, religion, or ethnicity of either the accused or the victim in full conformity with the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution and Article I, Sections 2 and 7 of the Ohio Constitution. Further, nothing in this policy shall be construed to diminish or infringe upon any right protected under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, Article I, Sections 3 and 11 of the Ohio Constitution, or noncommercial expressive activity as defined in section 3345.0212 of the Revised Code.
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