Policy Title: Drug- and Alcohol-Free Workplace
Policy Number: 3354:2-20-72
Originally Approved Date:12/7/00
Revised Date(s):03/06/2003
Related Policy/Procedure: HR20-72
Approved By:Board of Trustees
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Continuing Admin & S/P Temporary Admin & S/P Tenure-track Faculty Non-tenure track Faculty
x Full-time x Full-time x Full-time x Temporary
x Partial-year x Partial-year   x Part-time
x Part-time x Part-time    
Staff Staff
x Full-time x Full-time    
x Partial-year x Partial-year    
x Part-time x Part-time    


  1. It is the policy of Lakeland Community College to provide and maintain a drug-and alcohol-free campus in recognition of the adverse effects of alcohol and illicit drugs on employee and student health, safety, and performance. The term "drug" refers generally to any controlled substance of which the sale or possession is prohibited by law.
  2. Any unlawful possession, distribution, or use of drugs is prohibited throughout college property or as part of any of its activities. Violators are subject to criminal prosecution in accordance with all applicable statutes.
  3. All employees and students must adhere strictly to the college's drug-and alcohol-free policy. Violation of this policy will result in appropriate disciplinary action consistent with local, state, and federal laws. As a condition of employment, an employee will notify the Director for Human Resources and Organizational Development in writing of any criminal drug statute conviction for violation occurring in the workplace no later than five calendar days after such conviction.
  4. The Director for Human Resources and Organizational Development will annually distribute to all employees a written statement informing them of the college's drug- and alcohol-free policy and their responsibilities under this policy, and a description of health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol. The Director for Human Resources and Organizational Development will also provide information relative to local, state and federal laws pertaining to legal sanctions on alcohol or illicit drug use.
  5. The Director of Student Development & Dean of Students will annually inform students that information concerning the college's Drug- and Alcohol-Free Policy is available in the Admissions Office, Health Services, and Student Services.
  6. The Director for Human Resources and Organizational Development shall be designated as the college's compliance officer for the purpose of implementing and enforcing the provisions of this policy.
  7. This policy has been promulgated and shall be maintained in accordance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (PL101-226).
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