Policy Title: Military Leave
Policy Number: 3354:2-20-58
Originally Approved Date:7/7/94
Revised Date(s):
Related Policy/Procedure:
Approved By:Board of Trustees
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Continuing Admin & S/P Temporary Admin & S/P Tenure-track Faculty Non-tenure track Faculty
x Full-time x Full-time Full-time Temporary
x Partial-year x Partial-year   Part-time
x Part-time x Part-time    
Staff Staff
x Full-time x Full-time    
x Partial-year x Partial-year    
x Part-time x Part-time    


  1. General Conditions Governing Military Leaves
    1. College administrative approval is required prior to the commencement of any leave from work. The college retains the right to require evidence of the initial and on-going need for such a leave; rescind approval of a leave prior to its conclusion; and establish limits and conditions as necessary for employees returning from leaves.
    2. Request for the leave must be presented in advance, in writing, to the attention of the supervisor of record specifying the purpose and expected duration of the leave.
    3. College-paid employee benefits will be continued for the duration of paid leaves.
    4. Failure to return to work at the end of the approved leave will be construed to be a resignation.
    5. At the conclusion of the leave, the employee will return to the former position, or to another position (possibly in a different department or shift) in the same classification, unless the former position has been eliminated due to lack of work or funds.
  2. Duration and Frequency of Military Leaves
    1. Full-time continuing and temporary, partial-year continuing and temporary, and part-time continuing and temporary (in positions of greater than six months and 520 hours of continuous employment) administrative, supervisory/professional and staff employees are eligible for thirty-one calendar days of paid leave of absence annually to participate in an armed forces program. The employee must document that his/her participation is necessary to maintain rank or standing within such organization.
      1. The number of hours paid per day of leave for part-time employees is based on the full-time equivalency (times eight hours per day).
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